Thursday, February 18, 2010

Appoint Becker Now

In a previous post I urged confirmation of Craig Becker for chair of the National Labor Relations Board.  Alas, despite majority support in the Senate, the Republicans filibustered and would not permit a vote on this extremely qualified candidate.

The battle isn't over yet.  Under the peculiar rules of the Senate Obama can make a recess appointment when Congress is having a recess, as it is now.  Hell, 7 out of 8 Bush Jr. Board appointments were recess appointments.  Say what you like about Bush, he at least had the balls to stand by those who stood by him.

Obama can and should appoint Becker now -- he has until the end of the week to make the appointment.  By doing so he would be showing the labor movement that he supports our aims.  More importantly, Obama would be showing the do-nothing Congress that he has a spine and won't be pushed around and gridlocked to death.  Write your Congressman or call the Prez and tell him to do the right thing.

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