Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obama Grows a Pair

Obama announced yesterday that he is making 15 recess appointments during the Easter recess. Obama Bypasses Senate Process, Filling 15 Posts - One of the appointments is Craig Becker for the National Labor Relations Board. Republicans, naturally, are having a hissy fit, claiming Becker is some kind of radical.

Becker is a great lawyer, and no more radical than any other labor lawyer. It's a sign of how far the right has made inroads into our culture that he is seen by some as completely outside the mainstream. It's not like he is an actual socialist, as many labor lawyers and leaders were in the 30s. By constantly pushing the debate rightward, the middle has also moved to the right.

In any case, Becker's appointment is cause for celebration, if for nothing else that it signals Obama's willingness to push forward some of Labor's issues. And now that health care is out of the way, perhaps we can get started on EFCA.

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