Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Takin' in to the Streets

Last Friday a thousand workers held a rally to protest Whirlpool's decision to close its plant in Evansville, IN, and move it to Mexico in order to save costs.  http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/30565/  The company responded by basically threatening workers that if they rallied, they might find it hard to get jobs elsewhere. 

The move to Mexico outraged many, particularly since Whirlpool has received millions in federal tax money, and had net earnings of nearly 100 million last year.  How much is enough?  Whirpool wants to take taxpayer's money, wants us to buy their products, wants to be an "American" corporation -- yet also wants to move jobs offshore and stick the rest of us with the human costs incurred by all these job losses.

Change is not going to happen in this country until people start rallying in the streets and holding these scoundrels accountable.  Almost always corporations get away scot-free when they make moves like this because no one cares enough to do anything, and the workers affected are too depressed and ashamed to take action.  Yet without more action nothing is going to change.  Please sign this petition to let Whirlpool know what you think of their decision to offshore US jobs.  http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/evansville

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